PICA is uniquely situated to provide risk mitigation services on a global level given its leading historical role in the globalization of the workforce and markets and its focus on emerging markets in foreign and sometimes hostile environments. PICA’s unique business model of employing in-country management, operatives, and specialists with access to individuals with knowledge and power enable it to predict and avoid pitfalls for its clients, which have predominantly been Fortune 1000 and Global 1000 companies.
PICA can execute profound due diligence on potential partners or help companies find partners or be partners with companies trying to enter new markets overseas. PICA can vet and screen the backgrounds of personnel in environments where traditional methodology and technology may not exist.
PICA has audited companies for supply chain and distribution channel integrity and compliance with global standards in human rights, safety and security, environmental and industrial best practices of sustainability and corporate citizenship. PICA has developed crisis and claims management programs, business continuity and contingency plans and mitigation strategies that were tailor-made for a company, in its particular environment, addressing its individual needs, rather than cookie-cutter solutions that may or may not work in “beyond-the-table-top” real world situations.
Mitigating Risk & Securing business for over thirty years.
Since 1982
22 Offices Worldwide
Cost Effective Solutions
Proven Return on Investment
• Atlanta • Bogota • Buenos Aires • Chicago • Cincinnati • Columbus • Dallas • Lima • London •
• Los Angeles • Mexico City • Miami • New York • Panama • Tampa •